Solar appliances in India for save the environment from degradation

Solar energy is a renewable form of energy which saves the environment from degradation. It reduces the degree of contamination and toxic waste as well. Solar energy is powerful enough to replace the need of electricity that we get from 650 barrels of oil per year thus contributing greatly in the reduction of air pollution. To the contrary, the consumption of fossil fuel leads to emission of pollutants which lead to green house effect. The latter when escalated can cause global warming. Global warming will ultimately result in demise of this planet altogether. Some of the solar appliances used are as follows:

Solar light: They store solar energy from Sun during daytime. This energy gets converted into electricity to light up the streets in night time. This greatly helps to reduce the load from power plants.

solar light

solar light

At homes, offices or institutions too, Solar light can be of use. Solar panels are installed to collect sunlight and convert it into electricity. DC power is then sent to an inverter, which converts DC power into AC power, which now runs your home or office. Through the use of transfer switches and other safety devices, your clean, renewable power source is capable of powering your home or cabin.

Another approach is to use solar lanterns for lighting. These have a small fluorescent or LED light with a rechargeable battery, in a case which is easy to carry and can stand on the ground or a table, or else hang from the ceiling.

Solar ovens: Cooking with the help of solar energy is quite easy and saves utility bills. Cooking in a solar oven is a great fun. With a box, pan, aluminum foil, a cooking bag, duct tape, Styrofoam insulation and a thermometer, the cooking is done in no time at all.

Solar inverters: Its purpose is to change the direct current (DC) electricity that is generated from a photovoltaic panel into an alternating current (AC) that can be used by in-home appliances and the community electricity grid. Because all photovoltaic panels produce electricity in DC, an inverter is required for all solar power systems to make the electricity usable in home settings. Anyone considering designing and installing a solar energy system for their home should consider hiring a professional to assist in making sure the system is built properly.

Solar chargers: A Solar laptop charger is a great investment and can help ensure that you will always be able to use your laptop whenever you need to, even if the battery is dead and there are no power outlets readily available. Solar laptop chargers can also reduce your carbon emissions and help to eliminate the need to use traditional, polluting forms of energy to generate electricity for your laptop.

Solar energy for battery charging can be used to charge batteries of power pumps or ceiling fans in your home. Battery chargers are used in homes to charge all of those batteries used for video games as well. Also, a solar battery charger can provide a great deal of flexibility for users of small electronic devices such as MP3 players, cameras and cell phones.

Solar Water heaters: The concept of heating water with solar energy is very simple. A good example of solar water heating is a garden hose left out in the sun. The hose absorbs the sun’s energy, turns it into heat and transfers it to the water. Some solar water heaters are not more complicated than this simple example. Solar water heating can be used to produce hot water for a wide variety of uses. Obvious uses include washing, cooking, cleaning, and any other domestic uses of hot water at home.

One of the greatest advantages of solar energy, of course, is that there are no carbon dioxide, methane or other emissions that warm the atmosphere. However, manufacturing, transporting and installation of solar appliances are necessarily accompanied by some of those emissions. But they are infinitesimal compared to the pollution generated from fossil fuels. So, go solar.

Posted on September 12, 2014, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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